Terrors from Above

As I have told you all, I am living in Zushi here in Japan.  It is a coastal city 30 miles south of Tokyo, and it is home to animals with interesting feeding habits.   Sometime within the first month of moving here, I went to the 7-11 that is 2 minutes from our apartment for a snack.  I decided to get myself an onigiri, a pressed rice ball that can be filled with various meats or vegetables. I went outside the store to eat it.  I unwrapped the onigiri and took two bites from it.  Suddenly something hit me like a big gust of …

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Sumo in the Summertime

I got excited this week.  Last Sunday the July Grand Sumo Tournament started!  I am continuing my slow process of learning about this sport, and am conducting my research on a barstool.  The barstool is a necessary research instrument, as I do not own a TV here in Japan and I feel that observing the tournament live is crucial for achieving my best learning environment (or I could just be looking for an excuse to drink beer).  Luckily for me I have found a place here in Zushi that has a TV (finding a TV in a bar here is harder than imagined) and …

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Living la vida Tokyo

Sarah and I arrived in Japan on March 4th after our honeymoon in Hawaii.  We had decided to live for the first month in Metro Tokyo while we looked for a more permanent place to live for the rest of our stay in Japan.  The place we settled on was a small apartment in Shin-Okubo, Tokyo’s “Koreatown” neighborhood in the Shinjuku Ward.  I think small might be generous for the place we rented, because this place was tiny!  It was 16 square meters or 172 square feet.  I knew the size going in but didn’t think that quarters would be as tight as they turned out …

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It’s been a while….

Yeah, yeah…it’s been a while since I updated this page.  I would like to say it’s because I have been out doing amazing, fun and exciting things that left me with no time to write.  I have definitely been doing things like this, but it is also because I have been lazy.  I am also feeling guilty because my wife has started her blog and is pumping out posts left, right and center (for those interested, and you bloody well should be, her blog can be found here). We arrived in Japan on March 4th, right when the pandemic was just starting and North …

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5 Days in Paradise

After a long month of moving and visiting parents and grandparents, we are finally on our way to Japan! We decided that on our way, we would take a brief stop in Maui for a long overdue honeymoon. We rented a condo in Kihei from old family friends, Tina and Steve Smith. The condo was right on the beach and the perfect size for the two of us. Kihei is a great central location from which to get to different places all around Maui. Our first day consisted of getting situated and grabbing supplies for the next few days. If …

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To Retirement and Beyond!

For those of you that haven’t heard, as of February 7th, I have retired from the Coast Guard! After spending twenty years within the organization, I am moving on to a new chapter in my life. Moving on from the Coast Guard is bittersweet. I have loved working for the USCG and it has rewarded me with tremendous opportunities and experiences, and I have met some of my best friends along the way. But all good things must end sometime. I am moving on to another continent and new adventures await. I am excited to start a new chapter in …

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We Got Our Visas!!!!

As a few of you may already know, Sarah and I are moving to Japan next month and we just received our visas last week! We are so excited! The last hurdle for our move to Japan has been completed and we still have so much to do! For those of you for whom this news may be a surprise, my wife Sarah submitted an application last year for a fellowship to study abroad in Japan, with a focus on urban shrinkage and population redistribution. This year in May, she finally heard back that she was awarded the fellowship! A …

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